
  • Trivial Pursuit Unlimited Pc Ita Download
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 16. 11:44
    1. Trivial Pursuit Unlimited Pc Ita Download
    2. Trivial Pursuit Computer Game

    Said.The following corrections have been made to the above table mostly thanks to Mark Brader, with one from Chris (see comment above), and some of my own. Asia Continent that's home to half the world's people Added note in explanation that the original question is still correct. Australia Country originally known as Terra Australis Incognita Added information about Antarctica to explanation. Australia, Britain, Canada Only three countries to have challenged for yachting's America's Cup Put back missing 'the U.S.' After 'challenged'.

    Belgrade Capital of Yugoslavia Made note more relevant, referring to the end of Yugoslavia itself. Britain, China, France, the USSR and U.S.

    The five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council Made updated answer parallel to the original answer. Canada Country with the most Olympic hockey gold medals Changed status to Okay since the question doesn't exclude women's medals even though it wasn't an event back then. Captain James T. Kirk Commander of the Starship Enterprise Added Christopher Pike and Willard Decker to the list of commanders and the number of ships to the note, and fixed the spelling of Jonathan. Dinar Unit of currency used in Iraq, Jordan, Tunisia, and Yugoslavia Made note more relevant, referring to the end of Yugoslavia itself.

    The final out When a baseball game is never over until Changed original and current status from Adjusted to Partial and added Yogi Berra's answer. Greece Last country to join the European Economic Community Added Cyprus (2004) and note about being renamed the European Union. Hawaii Place where three quarters of the world's pineapples are grown Added note about Dole shutting down its canning operation in 1991. Lightning Natural phenomenon that kills more people than any other Changed updated answer to Volcanoes and explained more in note. The Mississippi Longest river in the U.S.

    Added Red Rock/Missouri/Mississippi system to note. Nepal Country where Mount Everest is Corrected updated answer to say Nepal and China instead of Nepal and Tibet.

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    Nine Number of Oscars won by Gone with the Wind Changed status from Incorrect/Incorrect to Okay/Okay and removed updated answer. The Technical Achievement Award is given by the Academy but isn't an Oscar.

    The North Pole Pole that gets more sunlight: the North Pole or the South Pole The original answer is correct, as explained in the new note. Norway, Sweden, the Soviet Union Three countries that border Finland Added note that Estonia's border with Finland is a water border. 29, 1929 Date known as Black Tuesday The original answer is significantly more commonly used than September 11, 2001, which was dubbed Black Tuesday by some but is mostly known as 9/11 now. One day What you gain by crossing the international date line to the east Changed status from Partial/Partial to Okay/Okay. The difference can be an hour or two off from a day, but the given answer is accurate enough. Peanuts World's most-read comic strip Modified note to indicate that the strip is still being published.

    Philip Columbo's first name Added result of lawsuit to note. Pluto Planet that travels around the sun every 248 years Added detailed information about Pluto's status. The given answer is accurate; just the term planet is debatable.

    Trivial Pursuit Unlimited Pc Ita Download

    Pluto Planet that Percival Lowell discovered Changed note to give credit to Clyde Tombaugh. Rhode Island and Providence Plantations U.S. State with the longest name Added comment about 'official names' in note. Shirley Temple Youngest person listed in Who's Who Made note clearer.

    The Soviet Union Communist country closest to the U.S. Fixed updated answer. Russia is no longer Communist. Stalemate Chess outcome when a player has no legal move Changed status from Debatable/Debatable to Partial/Partial since it can be either Stalemate or Checkmate. The Taj Majal What you are forbidden to fly an airplane over in India Fixed spelling of Taj Mahal.

    Ten Number of tentacles a squid has Changed status from Incorrect/Incorrect to Partial/Partial, since the arms are sometimes also called tentacles. Three Number of stars in Orion's belt Changed status from Partial/Partial to Okay/Okay. Multiple stars are seen as one star.

    Trivial Pursuit Computer Game

    Twenty Number of times larger than life that the Statue of Liberty is Changed status from Partial/Partial to Adjusted/Adjusted. The question should have specified 'height', but it's a reasonable interpretation.

    Verrazano-Narrows Bridge World's longest suspension bridge Added 'main span' to note. West Berlin Location of Checkpoint Charlie Changed current status from Changed to Historical as the booth is no longer there. A yo-yo Toy you can make sleep Added electronic pets to current answer and note. Yugoslavia Country that Serbs, Croats, Slovenians, and Macedonians call home Changed note to include Serbia's final split in 2003. 213 Telephone area code for Los Angeles Changed current status from Partial to Okay. The city's area code has not split although the Greater Los Angeles area's has.

    Said. I know this is an old post, but does that table contain all of the questions from the original genus edition? If not, are they online in some format somewhere? No, the table only includes the questions that needed updating (and even these questions are summarized). The only company that could publish the complete questions and answers legally (at least in the U.S.) would be Hasbro, and they're not going to do it. Contact me directly at whysguy@triviawhys.com if you want to discuss this further. Said.Thanks to batmanis64 for the following two corrections from the same card:'What two brothers lost a billion trying to corner the silver market in 1980?'

    Has the mangled answer 'Nelson and Bunker Hunt'. The two brothers' names are Nelson Bunker Hunt and William Herbert Hunt.' What are the three cardinal virtues?' Should be 'What are the three Christian virtues?' If they wanted the answer 'Faith, hope, charity'. There are four cardinal virtues: prudence (wisdom), justice (fairness), temperance (restraint), and courage (fortitude).

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